Singing Guide: Vitaa & Slimane

Singing Guide: Vitaa & Slimane

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to sing like Vitaa & Slimane

If you love the singing style of Vitaa & Slimane and want to learn how to develop their incomparable sound, pay close attention! Vitaa & Slimane are two of the most popular French singers of this moment. Their unique blend of styles and their ability to express emotions through music have gained the attention and admiration of many people. In this guide, we will provide you with some tips that will help you to understand their techniques and learn how to implement their style into your singing.

Understand their unique vocal technique

Both Vitaa & Slimane are known their impeccable vocal technique. Vitaa has a unique timbre that's full of emotion and has a very broad vocal range. Slimane, on the other hand, is known for his perfect control of his voice and range of vocal registers. They both use a wide range of vocal colors to express emotion and tell a story.

Breathing and Support

A good understanding of breath support is an essential component of Vitaa & Slimane's vocal technique. The key is to take deep breaths, allowing the belly and diaphragm to expand, and exhale slowly, making sure to use the entire breath for phrasing.


Both Vitaa & Slimane use vibrato extensively in their recordings. Vibrato is the natural oscillation of pitch while singing, which adds depth and emotion. Practice singing long, sustained notes, utilizing your diaphragm, and letting your voice naturally create a vibrato.

Voice placement

Voice placement is another critical element in Vitaa & Slimane's vocal technique. They use a forward and relaxed placement, which allows them to better project and place their sound for maximum expression.

Focus on the songs that showcase their unique style

Want to learn how to sing like Vitaa & Slimane? A great way to do this is to focus on their most famous songs that showcase their unique style. Vitaa & Slimane have recorded a lot of great music, and some favorites include "Avant toi," "VersuS," "Ça ira," "De l'or," and "A fleur de toi."

Use Singing Carrots resources to improve your skills

Singing Carrots is an excellent online educational company that will kickstart your journey to hone your singing skills. To learn how to sing like Vitaa & Slimane, you can use many practical Singing Carrots resources. You can take the online Vocal range test and Pitch accuracy test to learn more about your voice. You could also find the Vocal Range of singers to develop and improve your technique. Additionally, using the Pitch training tool and taking the Comprehensive singing course will give you the right foundation to improve your skills. These excellent resources will not only guide you to become a better singer but also bring you closer to sing like your favorite artist.


In conclusion, developing a unique vocal style that echoes Vitaa & Slimane's requires you to practice hard and use the proper techniques. Understanding their vocal techniques, studying their favorite songs and using Singing Carrots resource to hone your skills will help you get closer to sing like your favorite artists.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.